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Refugee Aid

Monthly Food Aid

Food aid remains essential in Bangladesh due to various factors, including widespread poverty, frequent natural disasters, inadequate infrastructure, and challenges in agricultural productivity. Also, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) and Goal 1 (No Poverty), are closely linked to the necessity for food aid in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh faces recurrent floods, cyclones, and other disasters, disrupting livelihoods and causing food shortages, particularly in vulnerable communities. Poverty affects a significant portion of the population, limiting access to sufficient food resources. Moreover, the Rohingya refugee crisis has exerted substantial pressure on the demand for food resources within Bangladesh. The provision of shelter and sustenance for this displaced population has strained existing food reservoirs, amplifying the overall demand for food aid and exacerbating scarcity issues. Hence, the monthly food aid helps address immediate hunger while aiming to alleviate poverty in the long run.

SDG 2 aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Food aid contributes to these goals by providing essential sustenance to those in need, ensuring they have access to adequate and nutritious food.

Moreover, SDG 1 aims to eradicate poverty in all its forms. In Bangladesh, food aid assists in mitigating the effects of poverty by offering a basic necessity, allowing individuals and families to allocate their limited resources to other essential needs, such as education and healthcare.

Social Aid’s effort to provide food assistance is a pivotal step towards realizing sustainable development goals. By ensuring consistent access to essential resources, we’re not just feeding communities; we’re fostering resilience and equity, laying the groundwork for a more dignified life for every individual. The primary recipients of our “Monthly Food Aid” are the Rohingyas and the local host communities, ensuring support reaches both displaced populations and those providing refuge. Also, in the aftermath of natural disasters, our food aid initiative becomes a beacon of hope. Witnessing the smiles on the faces of those affected- reassures us that our efforts transcend mere sustenance; they symbolize a restoration of dignity and a promise of support in challenging times.

Response to FIRE incident in Rohingya Camp-11

Social Aid, committed to addressing disasters and humanitarian crises promptly, swiftly responded when a catastrophic fire ravaged Rohingya Camp-11, Ukhiya, Cox‟s Bazar in March 2023. Recognizing the urgent need for assistance, Social Aid, backed by the generous support of Muslimehelfen e.V. (Germany), extended aid to 700 families. The emergency relief encompassed both- the affected Rohingya refugees and the host communities- providing essential sustenance, such as food and daily necessities. This initiative aimed to alleviate the immediate hardships faced by those impacted by the devastating fire.

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